About This Blog

Come peer through the lens of Sacred Writings and Scripture to know ourselves and be made whole. There is always medicine to apply in our lives: emotional, relational, social and spiritual. My prayer is that the words of the early church and scripture will inform our identity and bring us healing that equips us to know and serve God with all our hearts.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Where do you go when you are sick? Obviously the doctor, right? But what about when you are sick at heart, or sad or just not in balance emotionally, then what? When I am heart sick I go to three places for medicine: the Church, Sacred Scripture and Early Church Writings. This seems unusual, I know: a forty something wife and mother of  five reading fourth century writing for healing, but I always find medicine for my soul.

Some people head to their favorite book store and browse the self-help section. On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble I stumbled into the self-improvement section! Like a DIY project I am only 10 Days to Self-Esteem or I can have The Untethered Soul. All kinds of offerings tempt me: Soul FoodKeeping the Love You Find, Women Who Love Too Much, Life as Your Best Medicine, Power Healing, Embrace Release Heal. On and on the titles go and I am sure they are wonderful books, but  I'd be reading for years! If I am willing I can look to the spiritual surgery of the Church and her ancient writings.

"For this house is a spiritual surgery, that whatever wounds we may have received without, here we may heal, not  that we may gather fresh ones to take with us hence. Yet if we do not give heed to the Spirit speaking to us, we shall not only fail to clear ourselves of our former hurts, but shall get others in addition."
                               John Chrysostom Fourth Century

We are all hurt by life and our hearts bear the wounds we have received on our journey. Come with me to the places I find healing and perhaps you'll find medicine for your own soul. What former hurts might you need to clear from your soul? Imagine walking through the hallways of your heart looking into some old rooms and places of pain. Now, take inventory: make a list of these hurts and if you have faith, place this list in the hands of your Heavenly Father. If you don't have faith imagine the most loving person you know and ask them to hold this list for you for now. Don't be afraid (Psalm 34:18) but begin by asking God to clear your heart of these hurts.


  1. Beautiful. It reminds me of something I heard in AA once, that I was looking for a physical solution to fix a spiritual problem!
