About This Blog

Come peer through the lens of Sacred Writings and Scripture to know ourselves and be made whole. There is always medicine to apply in our lives: emotional, relational, social and spiritual. My prayer is that the words of the early church and scripture will inform our identity and bring us healing that equips us to know and serve God with all our hearts.

Friday, September 13, 2013


On a recent family jaunt around our neighborhood pond we happened upon a baby turtle on the side of the road. My daughter decided to rescue him from danger and proceeded to carry him home. I'm not quite sure how the turtle felt about this; he closed his eyes tight and pulled in his little legs. Do turtles have emotions? Fear would have been appropriate. It is one thing to be lost and without hope and quite another to be scooped up and carried in some one's hands.

Disoriented, confused and abandoned. Sinking feelings overwhelm us when we are pulled from the safety of the known, when we literally lose our footing. The turtle did alright until he was dropped! He recovered unscathed, though; my husband knelt down, carefully picked him up again and carried him. We set him gently down near the edge of our pond and his little turtle legs propelled him out into the water. If turtles could talk I wonder if he would say that his journey was his rescue?

Would I? Would you? When all around is unknown and change and challenge do you pull into your shell to hide? Do you brave the world trying to make it on your own? What if Someone promised to be with you always and help you on the journey home? We do not need to fear. God assures us from Isaiah 41:10, “Do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.” When we lose our way and the journey is long and treacherous we have a God who says, “I am here and I will help you, small one; I see your tears and sadness; I know your pain. I will comfort and sustain you. Trust Me child, to hold you and heal you.”

Medicine from Sacred Scripture:

In all their distress He too was distressed, and the angel of His Presence saved them; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.” Isaiah 63:9