About This Blog

Come peer through the lens of Sacred Writings and Scripture to know ourselves and be made whole. There is always medicine to apply in our lives: emotional, relational, social and spiritual. My prayer is that the words of the early church and scripture will inform our identity and bring us healing that equips us to know and serve God with all our hearts.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


 “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” The shrill cry pierced the afternoon sky as I made my way down the crowded beach. My heart was strangely stirred by this one word repeated with greater intensity each time it was uttered. Just as the extreme heat had driven me to the cool of the ocean, so my soul seemed to need a refuge and comfort somewhere.

I can cry out “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” knowing that the God of the universe will bring help and refresh me, no matter what concern or intense need brings me to Him. A very log time ago- a lifetime- since our oldest is almost 23, I filled the dishwasher with dish soap- it was a desperate moment for sure, and you already know what happened: bubbles came pouring forth from that machine filling the kitchen and threatening to take over other rooms of the house. With as many towels as I could find I began absorbing the soap gone wild. Three little boys stood dumbfounded as I cried, “Lord, help.”

No matter what circumstance we find ourselves in we can always cry to Him who made us. “No, the word is very near you, it is in your mouth and in your heart so that you may obey it.” Deuteronomy 30:14 hints that living a life of faith might be as simple as crying, “Abba, Father!” from the depths of our heart.

Medicine from Sacred Writings:

Of things so great and grand God has made easy access for us. What is the meaning of the phrase, “The word is near you?” that is, it is easy. For in your mind and in your words is your salvation. There is no long journey to go, no seas to sail over, no mountains to pass to get saved. But if you are not inclined to even cross so much as the threshold, you may even while you sit at home be saved. For in your mouth and in your heart is the source of your salvation.”

St. John Chrysostom Epistle to the Romans Homily XVII NPNF1 11.474

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Weeks ago I gave you a glimpse into my heart as we perused poetry written in Munich; if you will indulge me, we will peek at another painting at the Alte Pinakotech. Albrecht Durer's Self Portrait displays the artist's uncanny ability to see with the mind's eye something he witnessed in himself. From a distance one expects a painting of Christ- it has every hint of His face: long brown hair, slightly gaunt features and a penetrating gaze- but in a moment, coming closer to the piece, one is utterly surprised! Christ is wrapped in a fur coat. Perhaps it isn't Christ- as the title of the work eludes, it is a self portrait- but the viewer is left wondering.

I want my life to make others wonder- drawing near, penetrating the wrappings of my world that appear to hold me in time and place and situation. I am a wife, a mother of five; I love to laugh and bake and garden and read and write, yet there is more hidden in me than eye can first discern. May the God I love so hold me, make me and mold me that one must cast a second glance. Weeping with fear this morning I went to the church and simply sat, as the daughter of The King, and He whispered, “My child, Hush now. Great is My love and deep is My mercy. Do not fear, be of great courage. I am near. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

I wonder if you know that love that casts out fear with the whisper of His voice?

Medicine from Sacred Writings:

Greater than all things is to have Christ our beloved at once and our lover that then we may by experience come to know what is spiritual joy, and a life of blessedness, and untold treasure of good things, let us leave everything to cling to that love.” St. John Chrysostom Epistle to the Romans Homily 9 NPNF1; 11.401

Friday, July 5, 2013


Trust comes under so many layers of knowing and being known. I find I must peel away all my doubts, insecurities, hurts, projections, preconceived ideas and stand before the one I am to know and love; this is no small task. Months ago now, I was brought face to face with this reality as I wandered the Alte Pinakothek in Munich. Rembrandt’s painting; “Christ Resurrected” literally stopped me in my tracks.


Imagine Christ gazing directly into your eyes as He stands robed in white before you; the loving compassion in His eyes is compelling. I was drawn to return again and again to His piercing gaze. I looked for anger, disappointment, hurt, shame, disgust, wrath, or indifference; I found tender affection and understanding that touched me deeply.


Perhaps if I picture Christ this way- compassionate, tender-hearted, gentle, kind and longing to help me, I’d be more willing to believe. My heart and soul were stirred in a way a thousand sermons could never have done- He cared. He loved me; He knew how tired and fragile and weary I was and He longed to help me.
What would you find in Christ's eyes if you stood before Him?


Medicine from Sacred Scripture:


“For this is what the Sovereign Lord says, “I Myself will search for My sheep and look after them. I will search for the lost and bring back the strays; I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak.” Ezekiel 34:11, 16