About This Blog

Come peer through the lens of Sacred Writings and Scripture to know ourselves and be made whole. There is always medicine to apply in our lives: emotional, relational, social and spiritual. My prayer is that the words of the early church and scripture will inform our identity and bring us healing that equips us to know and serve God with all our hearts.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Sailing on Sunday refreshed and quieted me, though I was holding on for dear life as the boat tipped upwards to gather wind. Perhaps this is the way to following God no matter what the weather. When seas are rough it is natural to reach for God, our own resources not being enough for our circumstances, and when all is calm we carry on with a faithful love that keeps us safe on our journey.

The demands of life toss me about till I am weary and worn. It used to be the incessant demands of toddlers needing one more thing- one more story, one more game, one more hug, one more nap. My "one more" has changed, but the pressure and performance remain. One more berry to pick, another batch of jam to make, this friend needing a call and those children needing a meal. My sailing friend felt this as well, "how can I let go of things so easily out here on the ocean?" It is because illusions are stripped in the sheer vastness, reminding me of my smallness and His greatness.

As we draw near land I let go of my vise-grip hold on the rigging and relax. This is telling. I have found my land legs and lost my perspective. At sea I realize I am a mere passenger on this boat, and have a great King sailing with me who would very much desire that I let Him trim the sails and set the course of my life. My haste to get to land where I can feel the ground beneath my feet and walk where I will, unaided, shows me how very precarious my vessel is. Sailing lessons might be in order.

Have you found yourself, "in over your head," in certain areas of your life? Perhaps this is where faith to follow the One who calmed the waves and the wind come in.

Medicine from Sacred Writings:

"For they, as being strong, are able even in the midst of the raging waters to enjoy calm; but you, who are leaky on every side, have need of tranquility, and to take a little breath after the successive waves." 
John Chrysostom

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